
Cancelled elouera MASTERS

Sat, 30 Nov 2019
from 7:30am to 12:30pm

by Sarah Goldrick
Posted: about 5 years ago
Updated: about 5 years ago by Sarah goldrick
Visible to: public

Time zone: Sydney
Reminder: None
Ends: 12:30pm (duration is about 5 hours)

This carnival has been cancelled @27 nov

This is a short course team event and whilst there is the normal spirit of competition, the emphasis is about having fun with like-minded Masters. A sense of humour is compulsory!
Entry of $60 per team includes a commemorative T-shirt, & a BBQ breakfast for each
competitor. Trophies will be provided for the winning team.
Teams to consist of 4 eligible SLSC Masters members. First 3 to count for points (Masters =over 30 years of age on 01-Oct-2019). Extra points provided for mixed teams, ladies teams & veterans.

To REGISTER PLEASE email before 15 November.

07:30 Registration and briefing
08:00 1km beach run
08:20 Swim Team
08.40 Board Relay
09:00 Board Rescue (only 2 members from each team)
09:20 Ski race (1 ski paddler from each team)
09:40 Taplin Relay (1 swimmer, 1 board paddler, 1 ski paddler, 1 runner)
10:00 Beach Relay (all team members count)
10:30 BBQ / Presentation / Raffle.
Note: event times are approximate and may be adjusted due to conditions on the day

The small print.
Competitors enter as part of a team of 4 people. Teams accumulate points from each event they contest.
Points are awarded to the first 3 teams to finish in each event. 1st = 10pts. 2nd = 8 pts. 3rd = 6pts.
Team position is based upon the first 3 team members to finish in each event, (excepting board rescue, Ski and beach relay).
Additional points are awarded up to a maximum of 8 points per team for the following: 2 points for each lady in a team.
2 points for each competitor over 50 years of age. 3 points for each competitor over 60 years of age. 4 points for each competitor over 70 years of age. (e.g. a team that includes one lady over 60 yrs, (2pts +3 pts) 2 men over 50 yrs (2x 2pts) and a lady over 30 years (2 pts) would still receive a maximum of 8 pts for their team. N.B. These points are awarded to the team for the carnival not for each event).
Competitors must provide their own safety vest, craft and handlers.
Competitors club cap and safety vest to be worn. Wetsuits allowed.
There is one water and one beach area. Events are sequential.
If sufficient team numbers dictate, additional competition pools will be arranged. Under these circumstances, the
competition pools will compete independently of one another.
Carnival committee reserve the right to move, re-schedule or cancel the carnival (or an event) due to bad weather or
dangerous conditions.
A sense of humour is compulsory!


elouera surf club

  • [2019-Nov-27 02:14 PM] Sarah goldrick : Updated
  • [2019-Nov-27 02:15 PM] Sarah goldrick : Updated
  • [2019-Nov-27 02:15 PM] Sarah goldrick : Updated

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